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DIALOG(R)File 230:Gale Dir Online-Portable-Internet DBS
(c) 2009 Gale/Cengage. All rts. reserv.
09991522 Gale Entry number: 0000000134 Medium Type: Online Document type: Database Alternate Database Name: PsycINFO 1887 Producer: American Psychological Association 750 First St. NE Washington, DC 20002-4242 USA Phone: (202)336-5500 Toll-free: 800-374-2721 Fax: (202)336-5633 Contact: PsycINFO User Services Database Type: Bibliographic CONTENT Contains more than 2.4 million citations, with abstracts, to the worldwide literature dealing with psychology and the behavioral sciences. Covers both human and animal aspects in most of these fields: animal psychology; applied psychology; communication and language; cultural influences and social issues; developmental psychology; education; neurology and physiology; perception and motor performance; personality; physical and psychological disorders; psychometrics and statistics; treatment and prevention; and personnel and professional issues. Also covers the psychology and behavior of groups and organizations in addition to that of individuals. Sources include more than 2150 periodicals as well as technical reports, dissertations, book chapters and books from approximately 50 countries. Contains the complete data from the defunct PsycLIT CD-ROM. Subject Coverage: All areas of psychology. Language: English Geographic Coverage: International Alternate formats: CD-ROM (PsycINFO); Magnetic Tape (PsycINFO). Time Span: 1887 to date Updating: Weekly AVAILABILITY Vendor: 3000004480 Ovid Technologies Inc. File Label: PSYC Rates: $80 /connect hour (Open Access Plan), discounts available through the Advance Purchase Plan; 60 cents/full record 2000002060 Thomson Dialog DataStar File Label: PSYC; Psychological Abstracts 2000002270 ProQuest Dialog File Label: 11 Rates: $3.50 per Dial Unit 2000002290 German Institute of Medical Documentation and Information File Label: PI Rates: $1.35 per full record 3100005262 OCLC File Label: dropped 2000018760 EBSCO Publishing EBSCOhost File Label: dropped 3230011050 ProQuest-CSA Internet Database Service File Label: dropped 2000000280 American Psychological Association Rates: $11.95 for 24-hour access Alternate Electronic Formats: CD-ROM Product Name: PsycINFO Magnetic Tape Product Name: PsycINFO PsycINFO Descriptors: Psychology; Psychiatry and psychoanalysis; Mental health; Language and languages; Communication arts Source: |